GitHub Issues

GitHub Issues panels show information related to how community evolves in terms of submitters, domains and activity.

These panels show activity by domains and repositories. Each issue has a creation date and closing date, and of course a state (open or closed). We measure activity based on the amount of tickets created over time and their states.

This way, we can filter to get activity information related to a given submitter, domain or/and repository.


To use this dashboard with your own GrimoireLab deployment you need to:

Index Pattern   Dashboard
Index Pattern —– Dashboard

Command line instructions

Once you have the data in place, if you need to manually upload the dashboard execute the following commands:

kidash -e https://user:pass@localhost:443/data --import github_issues-index-pattern.json
kidash -e https://user:pass@localhost:443/data --import github_issues.json

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